Gamy carries several working electrodes for traditional physical electrochemical and electroanalytical experiments such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, square wave voltammetry, pulse voltammetry, etc. We have both macroelectrodes and microelectrodes.
Reference electrodes are critical to acquiring good electrochemical data. Drift in the reference electrod...
Gamy carries several working electrodes for traditional physical electrochemical and electroanalytical experiments such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, square wave voltammetry, pulse voltammetry, etc. We have both macroelectrodes and microelectrodes.
Reference electrodes are critical to acquiring good electrochemical data. Drift in the reference electrode potential can cause quantitative and qualitative errors in data collection and analysis beyond simple inaccuracies in the measured potential. High performance potentiostats can also be susceptible to instability if the reference electrode impedance is too high.
Gamry supplies a Saturated Calomel Reference Electrode (SCE, Part No. 930-03), a Silver/Silver Chloride Reference Electrode (Ag/AgCl, Part No. 930-15), a Mercury/Mercurous Sulfate Reference Electrode (Hg/Hg2SO4, Part No. 930-29), a Mercury/Mercury Oxide Reference Electrode (Hg/HgO, Part No. 932-8) and a Silver/Silver Nitrate non-aqueous reference electrode (Ag/AgNO3, Part No. 930-59). All reference electrodes from Gamry maintain electrical contact with the supporting electrolyte through replaceable Vycor Tips (Part No. 955-03 (package of 5)). The Vycor Tip provides a nice, low-impedance contact so you won't encounter any noise pick-up.
The SCE is probably the world's most commonly used reference electrode.
The Ag/AgCl reference electrode is simpler in construction than the SCE and has a similar potential. It contains no mercury.
The Hg/HgSO4 Reference Electrode is recommended when chloride ion cannot be tolerated in the electrolyte. The Hg/HgSO4 reference electrode uses a filling solution of potassium sulfate.
The Hg/HgO is an ideal reference electrode for basic solutions.
Notes: Hg/HgO is typically a special order reference electrode. The fill solution is sodium hydroxide and it has a polymer frit. NHE is not available from Gamry and is only in the table as a point of reference.
Our SCE, Ag/AgCl, and Hg/Hg2SO4 electrodes are approximately 10 cm long with an OD of 1 cm.
Katı Elektrotlar: Platin, Altın, Camsı Karbon
Platin / Au / GC çapı: 3 mm,
Platin / Au / GC uzunlugu: 7 mm,
Elekrot çapı: 7 mm
Elektrot uzunluğu: 13 cm
Referans Elektrotlar: Ag/AgCl, Doymuş Kalomel, Hg/HgO
Uzunluk: 10.16 cm,
Çap. 9 mm,
Uç kısmının çapı: 5 mm,
Çözelti ile temas eden uç kısmı "Vycor frit" ile kaplı.
Karşıt Elektrotlar: Platin Tel, Grafit